Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

Fat Loss Jimpness beauty just Only Rp105.000 ada sertifikat resmi dari SHEN YUAN FANG


Purely NATURAL – Fat Loss Beauty Capsule

1 Capsule a day , Lose Weight Healthily

Rp105.000,- for 10 capsules / 3x box’s

( 500 mg for each capsule )




1. Ada tanda HEALT Food approved by Ministry of Health of Peopole’s Republic of China No. 380 ( 1998 ) Manufacturer by ShenYuangFang Health Food Co.Ltd, dan Executive Producer by Huanan Gene Bio Tech Research Centre.


Fatloss kami standar Impor Eropa,

Jadi semua sudah Memakai bahasa Inggris sampai tulisan Fatloss dikapsul cetak latin FATLOSS.

NO WORRY dan Jaminan Keaslian & Keamanan Produk dalam mengkonsumsi Fatloss JIMPNESS BEAUTY BerandaKecantikan+Reseller, krn :

1. Yang di impor Fatloss sudah standart impor Eropa

2. Sertifikat dari Shen Yuan Fang

3. Ada Stiker Hologram Jaminan Ori Product

4. Ada tanda HEALT Food approved by Ministry of Health of Peopole’s Republic of China No. 380 ( 1998 )

WHO CAN USE FATLOSS Jimpness Beauty?

Semua laki laki & wanita dari usia 16-95 tahun.

Sehat jantung ginjal sehat hati limpa/ lever.

  • FatLoss ini disarankan baiknya bila diminum di pagi hari (sesudah sarapan) dengan air hangat boleh, suhu normal juga boleh/ ice water.
  • Just 1 kapsul saja untuk satu hari. Kapsul Fatlos ada tulisan Fatlos.
  • Biasakan Perbanyak Minum Air PUTIH bila mengkonsumsi FL. Jadi kalian punya hobie baru yang baik kan : banyak Minum Air Putih.
  • Fatloss Jimpness Beauty ini bisa untuk Pria Wanita remaja Dewasa, dan Kabar Gembira, dengan Minum/ Konsumsi Fatloos, kalian diwajibkan tetap harus makan Teratur , No Fasting, malah nga boleh Puasa & tanpa harus mengganti menu makan dengan Nutrisi/ Juice/ Makanan pengganti y Ribet : kan kadang kita kesel ya orang lain bisa makan apa saja : menu makan kita harus itu2 saja rebus dll.

Setelah Mengkonsumsi FatLoss Jimpness.

Baiknya dilarang ketemu / kalian konsumsi yang namanya Alkohol.

Yang lagi Hamil + Menyusui : please entar dulu ya Konsumsi Fatloss nya.

Sheng Yuan Fang Healthcare Co produsen Fat Loss Jimpness Beauty adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bertempat di China, telah mengembangkan penelitian, pembuatan dan penjualan ramuan pelangsing berbasis ramuan herbal selama sekitar 10 tahun.

Dalam 10 tahun terakhir, Sheng Yuan Fang Healthcare Co sangat serius dalam menangani bisnisnya, tujuan utamanya adalah menjadikan seluruh pembeli ataupun pengguna dari produknya sebagai teman dan selalu mengutamakan kepuasan. Produk utamanya Fat Loss Jimpness Beauty kini telah menjadi sangat terkenal karena telah terbukti efektif dalam menurunkan berat badan. Fat Loss Jimpness Beauty telah dapat diterima dengan baik di pasar Asia Tenggara, Timur Tengah, Amerika, Afrika dan Eropa, bahkan hampir seluruh dunia.

Dengan Isi 30 kapsul untuk sebulan Fat Loss bisa menurunkan berat badan dengan cepat. Langsung melangsingkan seluruh badan, perut, lengan dan paha. Tanpa krim, tanpa dimassage, tanpa operasi, tanpa diet ketat, tanpa suntik & tanpa olah-raga berat. 100% ramuan alami. Hanya lewat BAB & cukup sehari sekali (1 kapsul) dalam sebulan menurunkan berat badan 3-9 Kg.


  • Raw Materials : Bamboo Vinegar, Gynostemma Pentaphylla, Lotus Leaf, Haw, Polygonum Multiflorum Thunb, Fomes Japonica, Licorice Falvour.
  • Function : weight loss, elimination of Toxicant & Skin Care.
  • Suitable Crowd : Fat People, sespecially sutiable for people that exceed normal weight of 20%.
  • Didalam ramuan ini juga terkandung ekstrak tumbuhan yang dapat menekan napsu makan anda, yang terdiri dari: sweet potato fiber, cyamoposis gum powder, amorphallus konjac (extract from giant arum & jerusalem artichoke) dan alfalfa.
  • Selain itu, ramuan ini juga mengandung ekstrak tumbuhan yang akan menyerap dan mengurangi lemak di tubuh seperti: tuckahoe, kola, guttiferae plant, coleus scutellarioides, guarana, marumi kumquat dan trigonella foenumm.


  • Fat Loss terbuat dari ramuan alami. Ramuan dari China ini bebas dari efek samping seperti mules-mules, diare, atau kembali gemuk lagi sebagaimana yang biasa anda alami saat mengkonsumsi ramuan pelangsing lainnya.

What Will Happen/ Apa yang terjadi setelah FAT LOSS JIMPNESS BEAUTY kalian konsumi?

  • Mempercepat secara alami metabolisme tubuh anda beberapa kali lipat.
  • Membakar kalori dalam tubuh dan meningkatkan energi.
  • Mengajarkan pola makan y baik, berhenti sebelum kenyang/ menekan napsu makan.
  • Memecah timbunan lemak yang membandel di tubuh anda.
  • Dan hasilnya anda akan mendapatkan tubuh baru yang lebih sehat,lebih indah,dan lebih menarik tentu kurusnya nga lempeng kaya tusuk gigi.


  • Sebuah program pelangsingan tubuh yang benar-benar sehat dan aman bagi pria & wanita.
  • Sebagai sistem detoksifikasi (pembersihan toksin/racun) bagi tubuh.
  • Menurunkan berat badan sekaligus melangsingkan badan.
  • Mengecilkan perut yang buncit.
  • Mengecilkan paha.
  • Menghilangkan lemak dalam badan dan perut.
  • Melarutkan lemak dalam usus.
  • Mengurangi nafsu makan.
  • Melarutkan kolesterol.
  • Memberikan anda bentuk tubuh yang ideal.


  • Konsumsilah Fat Loss dengan teratur agar hasil pembakaran lemak di dalam tubuh dapat maksimal, 1 kali perhari diminum dengan air hangat di pagi hari setelah sarapan.
  • Makanlah seperti biasa 3 kali sehari tetapi dalam porsi kecil dan seimbang, seringlah mengkonsumsi sayur dan buah agar kesehatan anda terjaga dengan baik.
  • Jangan anda beranggapan bahwa untuk menurunkan berat badan secara maksimal dengan tidak makan sama sekali, semua itu pemikiran yang salah. Karena itu akan menyakiti anda dan tubuh anda.
  • Sering-seringlah meminum air mineral/jus, karena akan membantu metabolisme di tubuh dan membantu untuk mengurangi rasa lapar di perut.
  • Bergeraklah selama 30 menit setiap pagi atau sore yang akan membakar lemak di tubuh sebesar 15 - 25 %.
  • Selagi anda menjalankan tips-tips yang diberikan Fat Loss harap anda penuhi, karena program/tips ini ditujukan untuk penurunan berat badan selama 1 bulan.
  • Beberapa dari pengguna ramuan pelangsing ini setelah mengkonsumsi Fat Loss secara teratur dan mengikuti tips serta program dengan baik mengalami penurunan berat badan hingga 3 kg/bln. Tetapi ada juga yang mengalami penurunan berat badan hingga 9 kg/bln. Penurunan berat badan yang dicapai tergantung dari kondisi tubuh anda dan sebaik apa anda menjalankan program/tips Fat Loss.
  • Mulailah untuk bergaya hidup sehat, kurangilah untuk mengkonsumsi makanan berlemak dan makanan berminyak, karena sangat tidak baik untuk tubuh dan kesehatan anda.

Fat Loss Jimpness Beauty is Best Seller banget, Obat diet berupa Ramuan pelangsing yang paling laris di dunia. Karena terbukti ramuan ini sangat efektif menurunkan berat badan 3-9 kg/bln. Tanpa diet. Tanpa Olah Raga. Tanpa diare.

Pastikan beli yang Original di BerandaKecantikan & Reseler.

Sheng Yuan Fang Healthcare Co is a company who has been engaged in research, manufacture and trade of herbal based slimming products for about 10 years.

In the past 10 years, she is very serious in dealing with her business, she looks on every buyer as her friend and friends' benefits are the first. Her main products are Fat Loss Jimpness Beauty Capsule and got the best fame from the world. Her business has contacted to South-east Asia, Middle East, America, Oceania, Africa and Europe, even all the world.

  • Herbal Product
  • Both For Male and Female
  • Popular in over 30 countries

Jimpness Beauty a dietary supplement, for men and women, is growing in popularity among Ameticans seeking easy weigthloss. The demand for Jimpness Beauty arises from its reputation as a fat blocket, fat magnet, or fat buster that absorb fat in the digestive tract.

Ingredients: Fatloss Proprietary Blend, Bamboo Leaves, Hawthorne, Polygonum Multiflorum, Licorico Root, Saponin, Oolong Tea extract(As Camellia Sinensis)

1. Detoxification
2. Slimming
3. Healthy Diet
4. Loose weight
5. Regain your shape

Package: 10 capsules in one blister, one blister in one small box, three small boxes in one big box.

Usage: Take one capsule with water after breakfast on a daily basis untill dreamed rresults are achieved.

Warning: Do not exceed 2 capsules in any 24 hours period.

Fat Loss Jimpness Beauty

Jimpness Beauty a dietary supplement, for men and women, is growing in popularity among Ameticans seeking easy weigthloss. The demand for Jimpness Beauty arises from its reputation as a fat blocket, fat magnet, or fat buster that absorb fat in the digestive tract.

Ingredients: Fatloss Proprietary Blend, Bamboo Leaves, Hawthorne, Polygonum Multiflorum, Licorico Root, Saponin, Oolong Tea extract(As Camellia Sinensis)

Detailed Product Description
Eliminate toxin and hydrolyze lipid
Build the body and raise the face
Lose weight healthily
Accomodators to Tingmei Beauty Weight Loss Capsule:
1. Adolescent fat, single fat for over-nutrition
2. Fat for marriage, preganancy or turbulence incretion
3. Fat but can hardly lose weight or easy to rebound
4 Fat women who have orange or pregancy wrinkles in belly
5. Partial fat in necks, legs or stern
6 Especially accommodate to people whose weight are 20% higher than the normal
Usage and Dosage: once a day, one capsule each time
No diarrhea, no anorexia, no weakness and no need to change the daily food habits.
Note: 90% of fat people who take this product can lose weight about 5kg after one month. Once your weight returns to normal, please stop taking it so as not too thin.
Raw Materials: bamboo vinegar, gynostemma pentaphylla, lotus leaf, haw, polygonum multiflorum thunb, fomes japonica, licorice flavor

Specification: 380mg*10capsules*3boxes/set

Guaranting Quality Period: 2 years

Storage: keep dry and away from moisture

Fat Loss

Jimpness beauty

(Purely natural) fat loss beauty capsule

a) Eliminate toxin and hydrolyze lipid

b) Build the body and raise the face

c) Lose weight healthily

One capsule a day, lose weight healthily.

Usage and dosage:

once a day, one capsule each time

The latest result of scientific research, jimpness beauty fat loss capsule shocks the commumity of weight loss!

Jimpness beauty fat loss capsule is the scientific research crystallization of international obesity technology by the cooperation of two major scientific research institutions: huanan gene technology center and California institute of bio gene technology. Jimpness beauty fatloss capsule relies on technology of two major scientific research institutions, it is the best suitable weight loss product for the development of the asian physique and genetic factors in the most rigorous scientific formula. Jimpness beauty fat loss capsule is a product with high technology and rigorous scientific formula, and can lose weight safely and stably. Jimpness beauty fat loss capsule has evoked strong response when it comes in to the market in Guangzhou, shanghai, Beijing, Shenyang, and etc.

Lose weight safely with uniform sneed.

Jimpness beauty fat loss capsule creates and promotes a safe, uniform way to lose weight. By adjusting the content of “the thin” and serotonin in human blood, it adjusts the nervous system and the metabolism of fat rhythim bidirectionally, improves the conversion capability of the body to the fat, penetrates into fat cells and crack them. Through six ways fully, three-dimensionally, highly-targeted, converts the subcutaneous fat tissue of waist, abdomen, buttocks, neck, legs and intestinal fat into energy sately and with uniform speed, then really achieve the ideal purpose of weight loss, specifically bt the waist, abdomen, buttocks, and legs, but no chest reduction.

Jimpness beauty fat loss capsule – create six ways to lose weigt safely

Jimpness beauty fat loss capsule is the result of development of high-tech, contains not only the latest element of weight loss – the thin, but also bases on genetic characteristics of obesity of the Chinese, supplemented with fat-free and weigt-lose natural green traditional Chinese medicine, such as bamboo vinegar, gynostemma pentapphylla, lotus leaf, haw, polygonum multiflorum thunb, fomes japonica, licorice flavor etc. as a result, its mechanism of weight loss is allround, scientific and rational.

A large number of clinical trials showed that after taking jimpness beauty fat loss capsule, its active ingredients through the blood, hypothalamus, cortex, fat cells, small intestine, internal secretion and so on these six channels, adjust the nervous system and the metabolism of fat rhythm bidirectionally, improves the conversion capability of the bodyto the fat, so that the fat cells of the body have no place to escape.

The first way: The active ingredients carry long-chain fat into mitochondria for? –oxidation, the release of energy and fat storagereduction.

The second way: through adjusting the serotonin of the body, reduce the feeling of hunger, not effect the body to take normal nutrients, control the conversion and storage of the fat effectively.

The third way: Special ingredients make the increase in blood glucose, stimulate the hypothalamus to have a central role in the full, reduce the stomach to contract, avoid bulimia.

The fourth way: Jimpness Beauty fat loss capsule adjust comprehensively, increases the secretion of MCH in the body, drops the secretion of insulin, so that to break down the fat.

The fifth way: Jimpness Beauty fat loss capsule contains a lot of nuciferine, organic acid, catechol (that is, the thin), and other biologically active substances, reduces the content of triglycerides, cholesterol, etc. in the blood, avoid the conversion and storage of the fat.

The sixth way: Active ingredient can adjust the content of “the thin” and serotonin in human blood.

Through the six special ways of Jimpness Beauty fat loss capsule to lose weight, like to buy a box of “Jimpness Beauty”, you will have six common weight loss products, so the effectiveness of it is unusual natural, this is the unique feature of Jimpness Beauty fat loss capsule which makes it be different from other products.

Suitable crowd:

1. Adolescent obesity nutrition surplus simple obesity (oxidate energy).

2. After marriage, postpartum, menopause endocrine disorders obesity (control the storage of fat).

3. People can not lose weight for a long time, or rebound (avoid bulimia).

4. Female with wrinkles like orange skin and striae gravidarum on the abdomen, and the fat on the waist (hydrolyze fat).

5. Neck, legs, buttocks, hip local obesity (avoid the conversion of fat).

6. Especially apply to the obese whose weight exceeded 20% (lose weight).

No diarrhea, no anorexia, no weakness and no need to change the daily food habits.

90% of fat people who take this product can lose weight about 5kg after one month. Once your weight returns to normal, please stop taking it so as not too thin.

Raw materials:

bamboo vinegar, gynostemma pentaphylla, lotus leaf, haw, polygonum multiflorum thunb, fomes japonica, licorice flavor

Specification: 380mgX10 capsules/box